With improved solar power technology, it is now possible to pump water much cheaper using solar energy rather than electricity. During three years (2017-2019), CoCoDA was working with our partners in El Salvador to retrofit two electrically powered water projects – El Roble and Aguacayo – with solar powered pumps.
These retrofits would reduce the cost of water for this rural villages by up to 50% and make sustainability much easier. In addition, these retrofits would increase capacity by allowing even the poorest Salvadorans to afford to connect to the water system. Clean water is good, but affordable water is even better. These retrofits will make clean water affordable for over 500 men, women and children.
Though much cheaper than building a new water system, retrofitting a system with solar power is still expensive. We estimated each retrofit would cost about $25,000. In July of 2019, the retrofit in El Roble was complete and in December of 2019, the retrofit for Aguacayo was finished.
Special thanks to all our partners on this project – Rotary Clubs from the Kent, Ohio area, as well as across the US and Canada, Stow – Munroe Falls Rotary Club, College of Wooster, Rotary Club of Windsor, Canada, Rotary Club Of Detroit, Rotary Club of Indianapolis, West Foundation, Church of Christ in Berea, Kentucky, River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Bethesda, MD, and Whole Sun Designs of Bloomington, Indiana.
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