Almost two years after hosting the Sun and Water Conference in Suchitoto, which was organized by Companion Community Development Alternatives (CoCoDA) and financed by The Rotary Club of Indianapolis and the West Foundation, we are proud to announce the completion of the solar power retrofit to the water system in the community of Aguacayo in El Salvador.
On December 9th, 2019, members of the Aguacayo Water Board, CRC Board members, representatives of the construction company Hidroequipos S.A. de C.V and El Salvador CoCoDA Staff were present to officially handover the new solar-powered water system to this community of 95 families..
While saving this community over $2500 each year, this system also creates a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy alternative, reducing the harmful effects of carbon dioxide emissions and pollution generated by other energy sources.
The Aguacayo project was made possible thanks to the financial support of the following organizations and individuals:
The Rotary Clubs of the Kent, Ohio region, Whole Sun Designs / Ryan Zaricki, the students of the College of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio, the West Foundation, Mr. Adam Cantor and nearly two dozen individuals.
CoCoDA would like to thank all those who contributed to making this change possible for the community of Aguacayo and extend an invitation for those who wish to continue supporting sustainable development.
We are beginning plans for three additional solar-powered water systems in 2020-21.
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