A virtual gathering of Central American community leaders and North American supporters to explore the incredible potential of using solar power to bring clean, affordable and sustainable water to rural Central Americans.
While there has been significant progress, potable water continues to be a challenge in Central America. At present, about 88% of Salvadorans and 68% of Nicaraguans have access to clean water. Unfortunately, those still without access to clean water live largely in rural villages where the pumping of water is required.
In 2010, CoCoDA and our US and Central American partners created one of the first solar-powered community water systems in Zacamil Dos, El Salvador. This project reduced the cost of water by more
than 50% and enabled the village to expand and sustain their water system.
In 2021, CoCoDA held its second Sun and Water Conference which replicated this approach. The two conferences raised or leveraged over $300,000, constructed five projects serving over 5000 people and demonstrating that solar power can save Central America communities $2500 or more each year.

The 2023 Central American Sun and Water Conference will highlight what we’ve learned about solar-powered water systems, connect Central American community leaders with North American supporters and introduce two shovel-ready, solar powered water projects in need of funding in 2024.
Conference Logistics
It is assumed that all participants either represent a community targeted for a solar-powered water system or an organization committed to financially supporting this effort. Targeted communities
will commit to raising 20% of the project budget. Supportive organizations will leave the conference with packets designed for fundraising and grant writing.
Conference Sites
Salvadorans will gather at El Centro de Arte para La Paz in Suchitoto, El Salvador. Nicaraguans will gather at the MCN offices in Somoto, Nicaragua. North Americans will participate by Zoom link. All three groups will be connected via Zoom.
Transportation and lunch costs for Central American participants will be covered.
North American participants are asked to pay a $20 conference registration fee.

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