The CoCoDA Speakers Bureau is designed to create one-hour Zoom presentations that: Sustain positive connections between Central American and our partner universities, churches, and Clubs during the pandemic when face to face interactions in Central America are impractical. And, Generate revenue for CoCoDA during a period when we cannot sustain the income normally generated by delegations.

These one-hour presentations could include one or more of the following:

1.   A CoCoDA staff person presenting on a subject or theme.

2.     A staff person – in conjunction with a Central American expert or community member – presenting on a subject or theme.

3.     A staff person supplying interpretation for a Central American in speaking on a theme, telling a story, or being interviewed.

4. CoCoDA will ask presentation recipients to reimburse CoCoDA $100-$200 per presentation. When non-staff Central Americans participate, CoCoDA will reimburse those participants with payments of $25-$50

5. These presentations can be customized to meet the interests of a CoCoDA partner or on one of the following themes:

  • History
  • Community Development
  • Current Events
  • Conversations with Central Americans

If you wish to utilize the CoCoDA Speakers Bureau should contact Jim Mulholland at 317.503.5852 or at to discuss scheduling, cost and logistics.

You can find more information in the attached document to this article.